My mind is very pensive today as I reflect on my blessings of living in a country where I am blessed with so many choices. I get to choose where I live, what stores to do my grocery shopping, what school my child goes to, what church to attend, where I want to travel to visit family w/o getting government permission, I can speak freely of my opinions and thoughts in a variety of outlets like facebook and blogger. I get to choose who I marry how many children I have, I can choose to attend any school or have any career. And the list goes on.
I fear I take too many of my privileges for granted and mistaken them as "rights". I too often forget the blood that was spilled by dedicated men and women who realized that the blessings of freedom come with a very high price to be paid. I'm humbled by those willing to serve in the military to not only protect my freedoms but to give the same opportunities to people world-wide. Do I wish for a more peaceful way to extend those freedoms? Absolutely. Do I desire bloodshed? No. But I realize there are many in the world that would subject me to their will, that would love to control my every action as well as my thoughts. This nemesis of my freedom is one individual. Someone who is real. Someone that desires me to be subjected to him by every means possible. This battle for freedom began long before I chose to experience it on the earth.
I find it interesting that the true Giver of freedom also knew there was a high price to be paid for it. He knew the cost, and was willing to pay every ounce of blood needed. Yet the beauty of His gift is similar to the freedoms I have being an American. Just because someone has paid the price for my freedom doesn't mean I'm automatically free...because there are many things to enslave me. But it simply gives me the opportunity to choose. I can choose to accept them or decline them. The Giver doesn't force me, doesn't try to control me. He has simply laid out a plan that allows me to experience the utmost power of living a free life. Free of addictions, free of guilt, free of anger, free of fear. He gives me an opportunity to have a life full of love, forgiveness, and peace. His simple words are "Come, Follow Me".
I realize the freedoms I've been blessed with as an American are part of a much bigger plan. I know that it creates a sounding board that the Giver's gift of freedom may be heard in every ear in every nation. I'm humbled as I think about every blessing I experience. I pray that I may be made more aware everyday of just how blessed I am. I pray for the strength to CHOOSE Freedom. I thank my Savior, Jesus Christ for offering me the utmost freedom, for paying the price for me. GOD BLESS AMERICA and God, please bless me to soften my heart to follow thee.