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Friday, June 3, 2011

Them's Fightin Words! (Don't Mess with me part 3)

Hubby and I are very passionate...I know, hard to believe right?  So, when we fight, we fight passionately!  Throughout my marriage, one thing I've found challenging is putting myself in Hubby's shoes.  I get stuck in feeling justified as to why I'm angry at him and I don't want to feel where's he's coming from because that would mean that I might be wrong and we just can't have that. ;) Hubby finds this challenging too as you could probably imagine. 

Nine times out of ten, Hubby is the first one to soften and to apologize.  I find myself very blessed to have a husband like him!  He is really good at putting himself in my shoes and will relate to me very well.  When we fight and also when we aren't fighting, Hubby has brought up his concern with me not being willing to put myself in his shoes.  This conversation has been ongoing for almost 13 years now.  I've made tremendous progress, but he made a very important discovery the other day, when yet again, I was unwilling to put down my pride and see things from his perspective.  He stopped what he was doing, which was wanting  me to see through his eyes and instead walked himself through the 4 steps of accountability.  What was amazing is that as SOON as he did that, my guard came down and I immediately wanted to do the same thing and suddenly it was easy to see where he was coming from.  I shared that with him, which surprised him as much as it did me. ;D He said, "I guess it really is NEVER about the other person, because whether or not you want to see things from my perspective, as long as I'm working on seeing things from yours, that's what's important."  And in that, he spoke truth.  He has no control over me, nor I, him.  So we can't force each other to do anything, but man, when he took accountability, let me tell you, I was definitely inspired by it and wanted to show him how much I love him!  It was a very cool breakthrough for us.  It has been a turning point for our marriage.
  Are there things in your marriage or other relationships that have worked for you that you'd be willing to share?  If you don't want to post a comment, but are willing to send an email, I'd love to hear from you!        

Don't Mess with Me...Part 2

The other day I was at the Justice Center getting my fingerprints done for my professional licenses.  It was the end of day so there was hardly anyone around.  I was in a great mood because I had just passed my test with flying colors after a month of hard studying.  When I'm in a good mood, I usually hum.  As I was coming out of the Sheriff's office, there was a man with a brief case that had come from around a corner and was walking about 10 feet in front of me.  The rest of the long corridor was empty.  I was humming and the acoustics made it louder.  He turned around and commented.
"You seem happy!" he said
"Why not?" I replied
"Well, there's a LOT of reasons of why not!" he retorted
"Not, in my life.  Its just a choice." I said with a smile.
"So what's the opposite of raining on someone's parade? Sun-shining on my...." he said
"Oh, am I shining on your grumpiness?" I teased him.
He kind of chuckled and said "Yes"

At this point he was stopping at the vending machine and I was about to walk out the front door.  Then he said "Well, continue to have a great day."
I replied, "Thanks, I will.  And you too, if you choose to."

Now, I know, there's probably a lot of you out there, that now have a great desire to SLAP me!  Sometimes I even surprise myself with with my own boldness.  I have no idea who this man was.  He could have been a lawyer coming out of court from a very tough case.  I don't know anything about him but I did get a smile out of him.  ;D 

I shared this story with my sister in law and she laughed and then she reminded me of our last conversation in which I was EXTREMELY grumpy!  She told me that the next time I'm grumpy she's going to call me and "Sun-shine on my Cloudy day" and remind me that its my choice!  Touché!  I've reflected quite a bit about it.  I admit, when I'm grumpy, the LAST thing I want to hear is "Its your choice".  The biggest reason is because the "guilty taketh the truth to be hard".  I'm the proudest person I know.  When I'm in a bad mood and having a "bad" day, and if its true that I'm choosing it, then in my proud mind I'm thinking: what kind of person am I if I recognize it and then don't change it? Why wouldn't I choose to be happy? So its much easier for me to blame others or the situation and say "Jason makes me so mad...or the kids make me so angry...or so and so was so mean to me...or the car broke down AGAIN etc. etc. etc." Because that way, I'm justified in being angry or grumpy or whatever.  But if I'm really honest with myself...what purpose does the blaming have?  Does it really serve me?  Slowly, I'm learning that it really doesn't.  So, instead of blaming anyone or anything for my grumpiness, I just get to own it and recognize that there are times when I WANT to be angry and grumpy.  For me, its made it easier to get over my bad attitude more quickly.  Granted...just because I've learned this...putting it into practice takes, well, it takes A LOT of practice!  I guess that's another great reason for sharing this resolve to be accountable is constantly put in front of my face and I'm given reminders by my friends that read it and call me on it when I'm not being accountable.  So, if you happen to see me not being accountable, just give me a gentle reminder...its MY choice.  :D